5 tips to reduce fat and increase metabolism rate - Kabir Mondal

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Friday 7 July 2023

5 tips to reduce fat and increase metabolism rate

5 tips to reduce fat and increase metabolism rate

Before going into detail about fat loss and metabolism, a few things need to be said. A common problem I hear on the face of many people these days is, “Weight is gaining”! He was thin, but suddenly the belly fat is increasing, fat is accumulating on both sides of the waist! Can't wear favorite clothes even if you want to.

And now the lifestyle is such that even if you want to, you can't do any diet or exercise according to the rulesIf you diet today, tomorrow you will be invited or hang out. He works all day but he sits down, so at the end of the day there is no time or desire for exercise. 

Many people are unable to lose weight by diet or exercise. The result is a toned body. So today I will tell you 5 easy and fast ways to shed the accumulated fat, reduce fat and increase metabolism rate.

Losing body fat depends on your body's metabolic rate. About 90 percent of your diet chart plays a role in reducing fat and increasing metabolism rate and the remaining 10 percent is your exercise practice.


First you need to understand your metabolism. Your body is constantly turning what you eat and drink into energy in the process of metabolism. This energy is either being burned or stored as fat. Metabolic rate is the amount of calories your body uses to complete this function. This metabolic rate can slow down for a number of reasons, making it nearly impossible for you to lose weight. First of all, if you do not know what these things are -

Causes the metabolic rate to slow down

1. If you have excess fat in your stomach, thighs and buttocks.

2. If you have undergone menopause or are in the process of menopause.

3. If you have sleep problems.

4. If there is a problem of muscle tone.

5. If the wrong food is too much in the food list and the right food is less.

6. Exercising too much, exercising too little or exercising incorrectly.

7. If you are genetically predisposed to slow metabolic rate and obesity.

Also, after 40, the metabolic rate starts to decrease.

Ways to Increase Metabolic Rate

1. Break your daily meal routine into a 10-12 hour cycle. By doing this, your body will get a suitable environment for fat burning and the body will continue to detoxify throughout the night. That means you should eat between 8 am and 7 pm.

2. Wake up and exercise on an empty stomach. In the morning, your body is naturally ready to burn fat , which helps a lot in weight loss. Do 2-3 sets of the exercises required for maximum fat loss without any rest. Do this workout 3 times a week.

3. Drink a protein shake made with chickpea water or whey after your workout. On the one hand it will satisfy your desire to eat and on the other hand it will increase your metabolism after about 12 hours of fasting. However, no sugar can be used in this protein shake.

4. Eat thermogenic foods, which increase metabolism. Sounds new? Thermogenic foods help burn body fat by generating heat in the body. For example, lean protein (fish, lean chicken), egg whites, green tea, fiber-rich foods, green leafy vegetables, pepper, cold water.

5. Finally, keep fiber-rich foods in your list of foods. When trying to lose weight, blood sugar often fluctuates, due to which the desire to eat increases. So eat foods that will make you feel full but won't store fat. For this you can eat barley, brown rice or brown flour bread, oatmeal, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, almonds, different types of pulses, apples, guavas, oranges, dates, raisins.

So why the delay? Since we can't change our age or genetics, we can reduce body fat and increase our metabolic rate by making these small but effective changes. But one thing should be taken care of, just as fat does not accumulate in the body in one day, it is also not possible to shake it off in one day. Follow the rules with patience and you will lose fat, and you will also stay fit.

Stay well, stay healthy.

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