GK Questions And Answers For All Competitive Examinations | General Studies and GK preparation of SSC, NDA, CDS, UPSC, UPPSC and State PSC Examinations Set ➟ 2 - Kabir Mondal

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Sunday 22 January 2023

GK Questions And Answers For All Competitive Examinations | General Studies and GK preparation of SSC, NDA, CDS, UPSC, UPPSC and State PSC Examinations Set ➟ 2

GK Questions And Answers For All Competitive Examinations | 100 GK Questions And Answers For All Competitive Exams | General Studies and GK preparation of SSC, NDA, CDS, UPSC, UPPSC and State PSC Examinations Set ➟ 2

1. With which game in Christianio Ronaldo associated?
Ans ➟ Football

2. How is angular speed of a whirlwind in a tornado towards the centre?
Ans ➟ Decreases rapidly

3. In which the claim of Ashoka’s greatness cheifly lay?
Ans ➟ Promotion of welfare of his people

4. Sweating during exercise indicates operation of which process in the human body?
Ans ➟ Osmoregulation

5. Which is the State having the largest population of scheduled castes?
Ans ➟ Utter Pradesh

6. Why is used as coolant in the radiator of a car engine?
Ans ➟ Because it has high specific heat

7. What are tropical cyclones of the Bay of Bengal usually called?
Ans ➟ Typhoons

8. Which Ashokan inscription gives an account of the Kalinga war and its effects?
Ans ➟ Minor Rock Edict XIII

9. Where are the headquarters of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) located?
Ans ➟ Jeddah

10. What does National income ignore?
Ans ➟ Salary of employees

11. Which is responsible for converting milk into curd ?
Ans ➟ Bacteria

12. Mangrane vegetation in India is most extensive in which forest?
Ans ➟ Sunder bans

13. 'Who among the following are credited to have built the famous Ellora caves?
Ans ➟ Rashtrakutas

14. What type of Party system has been evolved in India?
Ans ➟ Multi Party

15. Which is used in beauty parlours for’ hair setting?
Ans ➟ Sulphur

16. Which monument in India is the memorial to the unknown soldier?
Ans ➟ India Gate

17. When was petroleum discovered first in commercial quantitie in India?
Ans ➟ 1890

18. In India, who was the first to put forward the theory that the earth revolves round the sun?
Ans ➟ Aryabhatta

19. Who is the founder of world Economic Forum?
Ans ➟ Klaus Schwab

20. Which fungus is responsible for the tikka disease of groundnut?
Ans ➟ Cercosplora personata

21. Which newspaper was published in Bengali language?
Ans ➟ Jugantar

22. The Imperial Bank of India, after nationalisation was given the name of which bank?
Ans ➟ State Bank of India

23. Deficiency of which vitamin causes knock-knee, bow legs and pigeon chest in children?
Ans ➟ Vitamin D

24. The lake Ontario and St. Lawrence of USA and Canada lie to the south-east of which bay?
Ans ➟ Hudson Bay

25. Which event was characterised by Montague as ‘Preventive Murder’ ?
Ans ➟ Massacre of Jallianwala Bagh

26. What is the minimum permissible age for employment in any factory or mine?
Ans ➟ 14 years

27. Which mixture is homogeneous?
Ans ➟ Methanol and water

28. Which is not an award given on the National Awards Day?
Ans ➟ Vishwamitra Award

29. What is the major source of oceanic salinity?
Ans ➟ Rivers

30. On which date was Mahatma Gandhi assassinated?
Ans ➟ January 30, 1948

31. How long are professional Golf Tour players allotted per short?
Ans ➟ 45 seconds

32. BCG vaccination (Bacillus Calmette Guerine) is injected to get immunity from which disease?
Ans ➟ Tuberculosis

33. Who is competent to prescribe conditions as for acquiring Indian citizenship?
Ans ➟ Parliament

34. Which country has the longest international boundary with India?
Ans ➟ Bangladesh

35. Kautilya’s ‘Arthashastra’ deals with the aspects of which policies?
Ans ➟ Political policies

36. The hydraulic brakes used in automobiles is a direct application of which law?
Ans ➟ Pascal’s law

37. In which year was Minimum inflation in post economic reform?
Ans ➟ 1999-2000

38. When did the first Commonwealth Games take place?
Ans ➟ 1930

39. Which is the deepest landlocked protected port ?
Ans ➟ Vishakhapatnam

40. Where was a Buddhisit council during the reign of Ashoka held?
Ans ➟ At Pataliputra

41. Who has the final power to maintain order within the House of People ?
Ans ➟ Speaker

42. X210 has half life of 5 day. What is the time taken for seven-eights of sample of X210 to decay?
Ans ➟ 15 days

43. What is Sagar Samrat’?
Ans ➟ A drilling ship in Bombay High

44. The Appalachian coal fields, one of the important coal fields in the world, are located in which country?
Ans ➟ U.S.A

45. Which was the most prominent industry that f1uorished during the Mughal period?
Ans ➟ Cotton textiles

46. Who was the first Indian woman to scale the Mount Everest?
Ans ➟ Bachendri Pal

47. Which root contain nitroen fixing bacteria ?
Ans ➟ Nodulated root

48. During whose pleasure does teh Attorney General of India hold office?
Ans ➟ President

49. Which is the producer of copper?
Ans ➟ Chile

50. By whom was ltmad-ud-daula’s tomb at Agra was built?
Ans ➟ Nur Jahan

51. A gas is found to have the formula (CO)n
. Its vapour density is 70. What must the value of n be?
Ans ➟ 5

52. Which is the place where bankers meet and settle their mutual claims and accounts?
Ans ➟ Clearing House

53. Limba Ram is associated with which fields?
Ans ➟ Sports

54. Which coastline formed by the submergence of mountain ridges running parallel to the coast?
Ans ➟ Dalmation coast

55. ‘India for the Indians’ was the political message of which social reformer?
Ans ➟ Dayanand Saraswati

56. What is considered as the drug of last resort for human being?
Ans ➟ Chloramphenical

57. Who is the Father of local self government in India?
Ans ➟ Lord Ripon

58. What are Alpha rays emitted from a radioactive substance?
Ans ➟ Helium nuclear

59. Which is not an important condition for growth of coral?
Ans ➟ Wave free salt water

60. Where was the Arya Samaj setup for the first time in 1875 ?
Ans ➟ Bombay

61. What is the factor adversely affecting the fermentation process?
Ans ➟ High concentration of sugar

62. Which port caters to the export of Kudremukh iron ore?
Ans ➟ New Mangalore

63. Which Mughal painter according to Abul Fazl was excellent in drawing of features?
Ans ➟ Basawan

64. Which Indian Cricketer was given the title ‘Tiger’?
Ans ➟ Mansur Ali Khan Pataudi

65. What does Inflation imply?
Ans ➟ Rise in general price index

66. How does retina in the eyes acts?
Ans ➟ Film in the camera

67. Mahatma Gandhi Hydroelectric Project is on which river?
Ans ➟ Sharavati

68. Who was the first Engish person who visited the court of Akbar?
Ans ➟ Ralph Fitch

69. A Judge of the Supreme Court of India is to hold office until he attains the age of how many years?
Ans ➟ 65 years

70. In which transmission are sound and video signals transmitted simultaneously?
Ans ➟ T.V. Transmission

71. The first Olympic Games were held in which year?
Ans ➟ 776 BC

72. What does not affect visibility on the ground?
Ans ➟ Dew

73. In which age the Man passed from the food gathering stage to the food producing stage?
Ans ➟ Neolithic Age

74. Who sports personality is known as the Payyoli Express?
Ans ➟ P. T. Usha

75. What is the proportion of red blood corpuscles and white blood corpuscles in human body?
Ans ➟ 500 : 1

76. Territorial waters of India extends upto how many nautical miles?
Ans ➟ 12

77. Which winds are flowing from sub tropical high pressure to sub polar low pressure?
Ans ➟ Westerlies

78. What was the greatest invention of man in Palaeolithic Age?
Ans ➟ Fire

79. Which vitamin plays a vital role in the coagulating property of blood?
Ans ➟ Vitamin K

80. Which organizations agency is involved in drafting the Union Budget of India?
Ans ➟ Administrative Ministries only

81. Which post does the Constitution of India does not mention?
Ans ➟ The Deputy Prime Minister

82. What is the ‘Solar Corona’ mainly?
Ans ➟ Consists of molten lava

83. Who was a blind poet who worshipped Krishna and spread Krishna Bhakti cult?
Ans ➟ Surdas

84. A metal sheet with circular hole is heated. what change will be in the hole?
Ans ➟ It will Expand

85. Which bank prints currency notes of the denomination of Rs. 100?
Ans ➟ The Bank Note Press, Dewas

86. Gum Kelucharan Mohapatra is a maestro of which dance form?
Ans ➟ Kathak

87. Which gas is most predominant in the Sun?
Ans ➟ Hydrogen

88. Who invited Babar to invade India?
Ans ➟ Alain khan, the father of Dilawar Khan

89. Which animals who have constant body temperature?
Ans ➟ Homeothermic

90. After how much time are the elections to Panchayats are to be held?
Ans ➟ Every five years

91. Which is the lightest gas?
Ans ➟ Hydrogen

92. Which wind in the northern hemisphere, the wind blowing from the Horse latitudes to the Doldrums?
Ans ➟ Trade wind 

93. Who focused his work chiefly on Sher Shah Suri?
Ans ➟ Abbas khan Sarwani

94. When did Unrepresented- Nations and Peoples Organisation come into existence?
Ans ➟ 1991

95. How many languages are used on a ten rupee note?
Ans ➟ 15

96. How much daily intake of proteins is recommended for a moderately active women?
Ans ➟ 46 gram

97. Which Warm dry winds blowing down the east slopes of Rockies?
Ans ➟ Chinook

98. During the reign of Emperor Akbar, who where the famous men Haribans, Mukund and Daswant?
Ans ➟ Painters

99. Who is to conduct the elections to the Panchayats and Municipalities?
Ans ➟ State Election Commission

100. By inserting a soft iron piece into solenoid, what does the strength of the magnetic field?
Ans ➟ Increase.

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