GK Questions And Answers For All Competitive Examinations | General Studies and GK preparation of SSC, NDA, CDS, UPSC, UPPSC and State PSC Examinations Set ➟ 1 - Kabir Mondal

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Saturday 21 January 2023

GK Questions And Answers For All Competitive Examinations | General Studies and GK preparation of SSC, NDA, CDS, UPSC, UPPSC and State PSC Examinations Set ➟ 1

GK Questions And Answers For All Competitive Examinations | 100 GK Questions And Answers For All Competitive Exams | General Studies and GK preparation of SSC, NDA, CDS, UPSC, UPPSC and State PSC Examinations Set  1

1. In which years did the Right to Information Act come into force?
Ans ➟ 2005

2. The electron emitted in beta radiation originates from where?
Ans ➟ Inner orbits of atoms

3. The name of Geoff Bycott is associated with which game?
Ans ➟ Cricket

4. What is exact time taken by the earth for single rotation on its own axis?
Ans ➟ 23 hrs 56 minutes 4.09 sec

5. Who built the famous Dilwara temple at Mount Abu in the 13th century ?
Ans ➟ Tejapala

6. Who was first President of U.S.A. to visit India?
Ans ➟ D. W. Eisenhower

7. Where is Human body’s main organ of balance located?
Ans ➟ Inner part of ear

8. Who resigned as Vice-President to contest for the office of the President?
Ans ➟ V.V. Giri

9. Which chemically inactive gas present in the atmosphere?
Ans ➟ Argon

10. By whom was the Persian style of Sabaq-i-Hindi adopted?
Ans ➟ Amir Khusrau

11. By whom was the absolute value of charge on electron determined?
Ans ➟ R.A. Millikan

12. What does real national income denote?
Ans ➟ National income at constant prices

13. Who was the first PM of England?
Ans ➟ Gladstone

14. What are the Doldrums?
Ans ➟ Equatorial zone with low pressure

15. Which acquired the double dome for the first time?
Ans ➟ Tomb of Sikandar Lodi

16. What is the net gain of energy from one gram mole of glucose during aerobic respiration?
Ans ➟ 38 ATP

17. Where are the disputes regarding the election of the President and Vice-President settle?
Ans ➟ In the Supreme Court

18. From which the cathode ray particles originate in a discharge tube?
Ans ➟ Cathode

19. Which is the country that has the greatest length of the day during summer?
Ans ➟ Norway

20. Which Mughal emperor is credited with the composition of Hindi songs?
Ans ➟ Jahangir

21. Which laser type is used in a laser printer?
Ans ➟ Dye laser

22. Under VAT, how many slabs are there?
Ans ➟ 4

23. In plant body, by which the water and minerals are transported?
Ans ➟ Xylum

24. Wood pulp comes from which region?
Ans ➟ Coniferous forest region

25. Which first Mughal building to have been built entirely of marble?
Ans ➟ Itmad-ud-Daula’s tomb

26. After how many years is Election of Rajya Sabha held?
Ans ➟ 2 years

27. Which element has two electrons in the K-shell only?
Ans ➟ Helium

28. How much is one barrel of oil approximately equal to?
Ans ➟ 159 litres

29. Where are the oceanic current named as ‘Kuroshio, Kurile and Alaskan’ located?
Ans ➟ North Pacific Ocean

30. Which is the oldest surviving newspaper in India?
Ans ➟ Bombay Samachar

31. Charles Correa has distinguished himself in which field?
Ans ➟ Architecture

32. Major part of CO2 is transported to respiratory surface in form of which ion?
Ans ➟ HCO3 ion

33. The powers of the Election Commission are given in which Article of the Constitution?
Ans ➟ 324

34. Which sea is without a coasts?
Ans ➟ Sargasso sea

35. Who remarked ‘the bones of the cotton weavers are bleaching the plains of India’ ?
Ans ➟ William Bentinck

36. What is the energy of the winds and the waves?
Ans ➟ Kinetic

37. What is the cause of inflation?
Ans ➟ Increase in money supply and fall in production

38. Michael Jackson was a distinguished personality in which field?
Ans ➟ Pop music

39. Which can come across if one travels through the Strait of Malacca?
Ans ➟ Singapore

40. Who founded the Banaras Hindu University?
Ans ➟ Madan Mohan Malviya

41. Uranium Corporation of India Limited is situated in which state?
Ans ➟ Bihar

42. How much portion of egg does protein content?
Ans ➟ 13.3%

43. Which States has granted Sanskrit language the status of the second official language of the State?
Ans ➟ Uttarakhand

44. What is the period of one revolution of sun around the centre of galaxy called?
Ans ➟ Cosmic year

45. The rock-cut caves at Elephanta belong to which period?
Ans ➟ Chalukyas

46. Which are waves moving from a sitar to a listener in air?
Ans ➟ Longitudinal progressive

47. In which case is the area under cultivation is declining fast?
Ans ➟ Jute

48. The first neutron reactor of India, ‘Kamini’, is situated at which place?
Ans ➟ Kalpakkam

49. By whom are the planets are kept in motion in their respective orbits?
Ans ➟ Gravitation and centrifugal force

50. The images of which deities are in the temple of Angkorvat?
Ans ➟ Hindu deities

51. In human beings, What is the opening of the stomach into the small Intestine called?
Ans ➟ Pylorus

52. Which is the largest committee of Parliament of India?
Ans ➟ Estimates Committee

53. Which substance coated on plastic tape?
Ans ➟ Iron oxide

54. Which is the cloud that is dark-grey or black, found at very low height and brings the real rain?
Ans ➟ Nimbostratus

55. When did Bahmani Kingdom in South India extinguish?
Ans ➟ In beginning of 16th century

56. Which is the oldest international airline?
Ans ➟ Dutch KLM

57. By whom was the book Wealth of Nations’ written?
Ans ➟ Adam Smith

58. What is the roots arises from the horizontal arial branches of tree Banyan called?
Ans ➟ Prop root

59. The cauliflower shape is associated with which cloud formations?
Ans ➟ Cumulus

60. What was the The capital of Bahmani Kingdom?
Ans ➟ Gulbarga

61. Which what is nucessary for digestion of food ?
Ans ➟ Enzyme

62. Why are the Fundamental Freedoms under Article 19 suspended during emergency?
Ans ➟ War or external aggression

63. Which type of isomerism is shown by diethyl ether and methyl propyl ether?
Ans ➟ Metamerism

64. Which river flows through a rift valley?
Ans ➟ Narmada

65. Which Mahajanapada was situated on the bank of river Godawari ?
Ans ➟ Assaka

66. Who is the author of the book ‘Nineteen Eighty Four’?
Ans ➟ George Orwell

67. Who is most benefitted from inflation?
Ans ➟ Debtors

68. Which element is depleted most from the soil after a crop is harvested?
Ans ➟ Potassium

69. The Naga hills form the watershed between India and which country?
Ans ➟ Myanmar

70. Which dynasty was ruling over North India at the time of Alexander’s invasion?
Ans ➟ Nanda

71. What does the theory of Fundamental Rights imply?
Ans ➟ Limited government

72. On which principle does Rocket work?
Ans ➟ Conservation of momentum

73. Who is the author of the best seller book ‘No Full stops in India’?
Ans ➟ Mark Tully

74. In the realm of coal production in the world, what is the rank of india?
Ans ➟ Fourth

75. Amir Khusrau played a pioneer rule in the development of which thing?
Ans ➟ Khari Boli

76. Who is the leading wicket taker in the history of Test Cricket?
Ans ➟ Muttiah Muralitharan

77. Which animal-that eats both plants and animals?
Ans ➟ Omnivore

78. By whom is the Governor is appointed?
Ans ➟ President

79. Which has the largest number of sugar mills?
Ans ➟ Uttar Pradesh

80. Where is the Shrine of Hazarat Nizamuddin Auliya is situated?
Ans ➟ Delhi

81. Which allotrope of the carbon is used in cutting and drilling?
Ans ➟ Diamond

82. Which treated as artificial currency?
Ans ➟ SDR

83. Which place is known as the ‘Mecca of Indian Football’?
Ans ➟ Kolkata

84. What is the slow wobbling of Earth as it spins on its axis called?
Ans ➟ Precession

85. Which god was not worshipped during the time of Rigvedic Aryans?
Ans ➟ Shiva

86. Which element is essentials for the transmission of impulses in the nerve fibre?
Ans ➟ Calcium

87. What is the maximum permissible period between two sessions of a State Legislative Assembly?
Ans ➟ Six months

88. If the mass of the pendulum is doubled, what will its the time period?
Ans ➟ Remains same

89. Wireless communication is reflected back to the earth’s surface by the which zone?
Ans ➟ Ionsphere

90. Which was the chief feature of Rig Vedic religion?
Ans ➟ Performance of sacrifices

91. Who won the Man Booker Award in 2012?
Ans ➟ Hilary Martel

92. Terms of economics, which recession occurring two times with a small gap in between?
Ans ➟ Deep Recession

93. In certain amino acids, which elements is found in addition to carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen?
Ans ➟ Sulphur

94. Which is east of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands?
Ans ➟ Indonesia

95. Who was a contemporary of Gautama Buddha?
Ans ➟ Vardhamana Mahavira

96. Under which ministry is the National River Conservation Directorate?
Ans ➟ Ministry of Environment and Forests

97. Dialysis is used for people with defective kidneys. What does It involves?
Ans ➟ The process of osmosis

98. Who’ has been awarded the Sydney peace Prize 2012?
Ans ➟ Sakai Holland

99. What is the difference between IST and GMT?
Ans ➟ 5 hours 30 minutes

100. Who was the first monarch of Magadh kingdom In the sixth century B.C.?
Ans ➟ Bimbisara.

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