Add 8 Herbs To Diet To Lose Excess Weight - Kabir Mondal

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Saturday 28 January 2023

Add 8 Herbs To Diet To Lose Excess Weight

Add 8 Herbs To Diet To Lose Excess Weight

Diet control or exercise starts only when the body weight increases a little. We forget how damaging crash diets are to health. Similarly, if you suddenly stop exercising for a few days, there is no change in weight. Losing weight requires persistence, discipline and patience the most. Diet and exercise should be done according to proper rules. And there is no alternative to following a healthy lifestyle to keep weight under control.

Well, is there any easy way to lose excess weight? As we know, spices enhance the taste of any food. Apart from increasing the taste of food, it plays a very effective role in weight loss. So add those 8 spices or herbs to your diet to stay fit and slim. Let's find out which herbs are effective for weight loss.

Ways to lose excess weight 

In addition to working out or exercising to lose excess weight, diet should also be looked at. The spices that we use in regular food, they only enhance the taste and aroma of the food, but not that! These spices or herbs have many qualities that are unknown to many of us. These herbs are especially helpful in increasing body metabolism and controlling weight.

Use of these 8 spices will keep your weight under control

1. Turmeric

Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric is a warming spice that increases body heat and boosts metabolism. According to the European Journal of Nutrition, curcumin in turmeric controls high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes and metabolic activity in the body.

In 2009, a group of researchers from Tufts University conducted a study on some mice. Some mice were regularly given curcumin, while others were not given curcumin. The results of this trial showed; Mice that consumed curcumin lost weight. Research results show how beneficial turmeric is for weight loss.

How to eat turmeric

1. You can drink turmeric tea regularly. Heat a cup or two of water. Add whole small pieces of turmeric to the bulg. You can add cinnamon to it. Boil well and drain. Kusum Kusum Drink hot.

2. Use turmeric in everyday cooking.

3. You can also drink turmeric milk. Boil milk on medium flame. Pour the milk into the glass, then mix a little turmeric powder with it. Drink it regularly.

2. Cinnamon

A spice widely used in cooking is cinnamon. Cinnamon will help reduce excess belly fat. Cinnamon reduces cravings for carbohydrates, regulates blood sugar and keeps you full for longer. As a result, the journey of weight loss will become quite easy! These qualities of cinnamon were not known before, right? Don't forget to keep this herb in your diet for extra weight loss!

How to eat cinnamon

1. Oats, yogurt and cinnamon powder can be mixed for breakfast in the morning. This is a very healthy breakfast menu, which will help you lose weight.

2. You can use cinnamon in everyday cooking. You can keep it powdered and use it with dessert items.

3. Cinnamon tea can be your daily companion. A little honey and lemon juice will taste great.

3. Cumin

Studies have shown that adding a tablespoon of cumin seeds to your daily diet can lead to three times more fat loss. Cumin contains a substance called thymoquine. It has a lot of anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Thymoquine removes toxins from the body, regulates blood sugar. And very helpful in losing weight .

How to eat cumin

1. You can drink cumin water. Boil two tablespoons of cumin seeds in water. Boil it well and remove it when the water reduces. Drink it twice a day. If you drink it in the morning on an empty stomach, you will get quick results.

2. You can use whole cumin or cumin powder in daily cooking . A sprinkling of cumin powder after cooking any gravy like dish or curry enhances the taste of the food.

4. Ginger

We all know more or less about the health benefits of ginger. Adai contains ingredients called gingerols and shogols, which help in weight control. Apart from reducing excess fat, ginger also works well in reducing gastric pain.

How to eat ginger

1. Mix lemon juice with ginger tea or ginger water. It will keep your body hydrated as well as help you lose excess weight.

2. You can mix green tea with ginger and drink it to lose weight. It is very effective in reducing excess belly fat. Drinking this tea daily will speed up weight loss.

5. Rosemary

Rosemary is available in major department stores and supermarkets. It increases the metabolic rate of the body. Also it improves digestion and helps in weight loss. Rosemary is rich in anti-oxidant, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties, which work very quickly for weight loss.

How to eat rosemary

Heat 10 ounces or 295 ml of water. Add 1 teaspoon of rosemary. After burning for a while, take it down. You can add honey. Drink rosemary tea daily.

6. Cardamom

This aromatic herb will enhance the aroma of food as well as help you lose weight. Cardamom contains thermogenic properties, which help reduce fat and prevent gas formation in the stomach.

How to eat cardamom

1. Mix cardamom powder in a glass of water and leave it overnight. Drink it on an empty stomach the next morning.

2. Grind two cardamoms. Mix in a glass of milk, drink straight away.

3. You can make masala tea with cardamom.

7. Pepper

Pepper contains an ingredient called piperine, which adds a distinct flavor to it. In addition to enhancing taste, it inhibits the formation of fat cells or fat cells, which helps in weight loss.

How to eat pepper

Pepper can be used in daily food. Chili powder can be used with everything from egg poach, sautéed vegetables, soups. Mix the vegetables with boiled pasta and sprinkle pepper powder. Whole masala can be used for cooking chicken or fish.

8. Red pepper 

This spice used in daily cooking is very effective in losing weight. Cayenne pepper increases body temperature which boosts metabolism. The more metabolism the body generates, the more calories it burns. However, excessive use of powdered spices can cause digestive problems. Spices should be used in moderation.

How to eat red pepper

Use cayenne pepper in daily cooking, it will burn up to 100 calories of food.

Then you know, which herbs to add to the diet to lose extra weight! But they are close at hand, we may not understand their importance due to not knowing the benefits. Hope you got some idea from today's article. To keep weight under control, maintain a healthy lifestyle, avoid fried foods and do moderate physical activity to burn calories . So that's it for today. Love yourself, take care of yourself.

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