Bio X4 Ingredients - Kabir Mondal

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Sunday 2 October 2022

Bio X4 Ingredients

Bio X4 Ingredients | Nucific Bio X4 Ingredients | Ingredients of Bio x4

Bio X4 Ingredients

Bio X4 contains four ingredient blends :

Probiotic Blend : Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus plantarum, Bifidobacterium lactis and Bifidobacterium animalis.

Digestive Enzyme Blend : Amylase, bromelain and lipase.

Weight Management Blend : EGCG green tea extract.

Craving Control Blend : Caralluma fimbriata extract.

We will look at the ingredients in each of these blends in more detail below.

Probiotic Blend

From the limited research available, it seems that probiotics may only have a small impact on weight loss. Two studies showed that the use of probiotics may result in a loss of half a kilo (about one pound), but only if the probiotics were taken for at least two months. Another review found no effect on body weight.

As of now, the data is still weak and it’s still unclear which strains of probiotics may be most effective when it comes to weight loss. Studies have shown that two strains of probiotics; lactobacillus rhamnosus and bifidobacterium lactis when taken in combination have also been associated with weight loss.

A review of randomized clinical trials demonstrated that the probiotic strains lactobacillus plantarum and lactobacillus rhamnosus have also been associated with weight loss, but only when used in conjunction with a calorie-restricted diet. All of these strains are in Bio X4 probiotics.

When a low-calorie diet was not adhered to, two of the five strains in Bio X4 probiotics (lactobacillus rhamnosus and lactobacillus acidophilus) were actually associated with weight gain. Overall, most of the research on these probiotic strains is limited due to small participant numbers, animal studies and short intervention timescales. Additionally, much of the current evidence is contradictory.

Since research into probiotics and weight loss is still in its infancy, further research is needed before any firm conclusions can be drawn. For now, we know that successful weight loss comes down to energy balance. You need to take in less energy (calories) than you are burning to create a negative energy balance and therefore lose weight.

Digestive Enzyme Blend

Digestive Enzyme Blend are protein molecules that accelerate chemical reactions within the body. Digestive enzymes are responsible for breaking down food into nutrients that can be absorbed by the body.

Bio X4 contains the following enzymes :

Amylase : breaks down sugars

Lipase : breaks down fats

Bromelain : breaks down proteins

The human digestive system naturally produces these and other digestive enzymes. In some cases (such as pancreatic insufficiency), the amount produced by the body may not be sufficient and can lead to uncomfortable gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea and bloating.


In these cases, people can be prescribed enzyme medications. The enzymes in these medications are coated in a special material to ensure that they will survive the acidic conditions of the stomach in order to have any effect.

Nucific do not specify whether the enzymes in Bio X4 have such a coating, so it’s unclear whether they would be effective in aiding the digestive process. Furthermore, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that artificial digestive enzymes assist with weight loss.


Weight Management Blend

Weight Management Blend 1 Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) is an antioxidant compound that naturally occurs in green tea. It’s used in Bio X4 due to its alleged ability to boost the body’s fat-burning activity.

Some animal studies have demonstrated that EGCG helps prevent against obesity. However, a recent and thorough review of the research suggests that the effect of green tea extract on fat loss is inconsistent and there aren’t any high-quality human studies. We can’t be sure it has any weight-loss effect in humans.

A further review of the existing evidence from human trials found no clinically or statistically significant weight loss benefits from consuming green tea.


Craving Control Blend

Craving Control BlendCaralluma fimbriata is an Indian plant extract that supposedly suppresses appetitea On their website, Nucific refer to a 2007 study demonstrating that people who took the extract had a significantly reduced appetite and waist circumference compared to a group of people who did not.

However, in this same study, the extract didn’t have a significant effect on body weight or body fat, so the reduction in waist circumference was probably due to fluid loss as a result of diarrhea, which is a common side effect for Caralluma fimbriata, or duet to human error in measurements.

A much stronger clinical trial looking at the effect of Caralluma fimbriata extract over three months found it had no significant effect on weight, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, hip circumference or waist hip ratio in overweight and obese individuals.

The studies that suggest that Caralluma fimbriata has an effect on weight loss have only been conducted on animals, and therefore cannot be directly applied to humans.

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