6 Exercises To Lose Lower Waist Fat - Kabir Mondal

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Thursday 2 February 2023

6 Exercises To Lose Lower Waist Fat

6 Exercises To Lose Lower Waist Fat

These days we all are busy with some kind of work. Some are busy with work, some are busy with studies . Those who are housewives get busy with television in between different jobs. In this way, we have to be busy all the time in various ways. And to give time to busyness, we seem to have forgotten about ourselves.

We spend most of the day sitting. And as a result of this sitting, our body is getting very bad. Especially the lower part of the waist. Fat in the lower part of the waist accumulates very easily. The fat of other parts of the body can be reduced very easily, but to reduce the fat of the lower part of the waist, it is necessary to gain a lot of speed.  

May be we don't pay attention to ourselves, the obstacles we face when we go shopping and try on new dresses in the middle of work. If we can't wear a dress despite being loved just because of the fat below the waist, then there is nothing to be upset about. Because even if you can't go to the gym due to lack of time, you can get your lean attractive body back with just six simple exercises. These six exercises will help keep the whole body fit, not just the waist. So let's talk about six exercises to lose lower waist fat.

Exercises to lose lower waist fat 

Although it is possible to reduce fat in other parts of the body , it is very difficult to reduce fat in the lower part of the waist. Let's know about some effective exercises to reduce waist fat.

1. Lateral step-out squat

How to do

🔸For this squat, first stand straight on the floor. Then keep the feet parallel to the floor. The back should lean slightly forward. Place both hands together with fists. 

🔸Now take two steps to the left with all the weight of the body on the feet .

🔸Now return to the previous position and take two steps to the right.

🔸Keep increasing the speed like this until you get tired.

2. Plank leg lift

How to do

🔸To do this exercise, first keep both arms straight on the floor. Keep the body parallel to the floor. Put the whole body on the toes. Try to bring it inwards as much as possible by applying pressure on the abdominal muscles.

🔸Now lift the left leg up from the floor by about 2-3 inches. Now keep the legs parallel and bring them outwards to the previous position. 

🔸Now do the right leg in the same manner.

Gradually increase the time and try to do it quite loudly.

3. Escape squat

How to do

🔸To perform this squat, you first need to stand up straight on a hard floor. Care should be taken to keep the back and waist straight and even. The feet should be kept at an angle of 40-45 degrees and the entire weight of the body should be placed on the heel starting from the foot.  

🔸Now start squatting down until your Thai is parallel to the ground. And try to sit as low as possible. 

🔸Now try to stand straight i.e. come back to previous position. 

🔸Now do as many squats as possible. Try until you hurt the body . But there is no need to do it many times at once. Gradually increase the time. You can use dumbbells if you want.

4. Fire hydrant

How to do

🔸For this exercise first keep the knees and hands straight and parallel on the hard floor .

🔸Now try to pull the abdominal muscles inward by applying pressure on the spine.

🔸Now lift the left knee as high as possible. Care should be taken to keep the knee at an angle of 90-100 degrees with the floor. 

🔸Now lower the left knee and return to the previous position. And in the same way lift the right knee up at 90-100 degree angle and return to the previous position.

🔸You can do this exercise for a certain period of time. For example, each leg should be done 10 times.

5. The Bridge exercise

How to do

🔸At the beginning of this exercise lie straight on the floor.

🔸Now keep both knees parallel to the floor at 90 degrees. Keep both arms straight at the sides or overhead.

🔸Now lift the whole body upwards by applying pressure on the floor. 

🔸Now hold both ankles with both hands. Stand with the muzzle touching the chest and the back straight.

🔸Like this first 10 times. Then slowly increase the time like this for 10 to 15 times and 15 to 20 times. 

6. Lying leg lift

How to do

🔸For the Lying Leg Lift exercise, first lie on the floor and make sure that all the weight is on the stomach. The legs should be kept straight and tight . The hands should be folded and brought in front of the head.

🔸Now keep the left leg straight and lift it as high as possible from the floor. Bring it down again.

🔸Now return to the previous position and do the same with the right leg.

🔸You can do this exercise 10 times by alternating legs. 

That's it! Here are six easy and simple exercises that you can easily do at home in a short time and reduce the fat in the lower part of the waist. Besides work, there is no substitute for exercise to keep the body fit and lean. So if you want to keep yourself beautiful and attractive and want to dress according to your choice, start these exercises today. Keep doing these simple exercises until you get the desired results. You will definitely get great results.

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