Clouds by Intizar Hussain questions and answers | Clouds Class 8 questions and answers - Kabir Mondal

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Thursday 28 April 2022

Clouds by Intizar Hussain questions and answers | Clouds Class 8 questions and answers

Clouds by Intizar Hussain  questions and answers | Clouds Class 8 questions and answers | Clouds Class 8 comprehension exercises

Activity - 1

Rearrange the following sentences in the correct order and put the numbers in the given boxes :

(1) He saw a grass-cutter coming from the other direction. [ 4 ]

(2) The grass-cutter was surprised. [ 6 ]

(3) He reached the old mud hut. [ 2 ]

(4) He wandered in search of the clouds.[ 1 ]

(5) He asked the grass-cutter if he had noticed the clouds. [ 5 ]

(6) He turned onto the dirt track. [ 3 ]

Activity - 2

Complete the following sentences with information from the text :

a) The grass cutter had a bundle of freshly cut grass balanced on his head.

b) He was disappointed to see that the grass cutter was still mystified.

c) The farmer couldn’t make sense of the boy’s question.

d) He was asking for the clouds like a man who has lost his child and ask wayfarers if they have seen a child wandering .

Activity - 3

Answer the following question :

“But no one could give him a satisfactory answer” - Why do you think no one could give him a satisfactory answer?

Ans :- I think everyone tried to give answers to his question but they had not a satisfactory answer because the question he asked , had no sense to everyone. Actually, he was asking about the clouds as if he was looking for a lost child . And that’s why none could understand the meaning of that question and he was not satisfied with their answers.

Activity - 4

Write ‘T’ for Tense and ‘F’ for false statement in the boxes given. Give supporting statements for each of your answer :

a) In the morning the boy asked the first questions to his father.

Ans :- F

Supporting Statement :- His mother was the first he had asked in the morning, " Ammaji, where have the clouds gone?"

b) The boy’s mother asked him to go to school.

Ans :- T

Supporting Statement :- “Wash  quickly,  eat your breakfast, and go to school.”

c) When the boy got up in the morning , he saw that the sky was cloudless.

Ans :- T

Supporting Statement :- The  sky was clear and empty !

d) The boy was happy to think that he had fallen asleep.

Ans :- F

Supporting Statement :-  And it saddened him to think that he had fallen asleep.

Activity - 5

Answer the following questions :

a) Which question haunted the boy ?

Ans :- The question that haunted the boy was “ where did the clouds go?”

b) What did the boy see in the middle of the night ?

Ans :- In the middle of the night the boy saw the clouds were dense, black in the occasional flashes of lightening.

c) How did he feel as he walked between the fields?

Ans :- The boy felt that his body was on fire and his throat was dry in the fierce heat of the sun .

d) What did he do after reaching the shelter of the tree ?

Ans :- After reaching the shelter of the tree the boy splashed the cool water from the Persian wheel on his dusty feet. He then decided to wash his hands , face and drank to his satisfaction.

Activity - 6

Fill in the chart with information from the text:

i) What - The boy was open-Mouthed

Why - The old man told the boy that he had once lived in a place where it had not rained for 10 years.

ii) What - The earth was damp Underfoot.

Why - It had rained hard a while ago.

iii) What - The boy hurried home.

Why - He wanted to see how fresh and clean the Jamun tree in his courtyard looked.

iv) What - When he got home, he saw everything had changed.

Why - There had been a good shower during his absence.

Activity - 7

Answer the following questions :

a) What did the old man say about the place where he once lived?

Ans :- The old man told the boy that he had once lived in a place where it had not rained for ten years.

b) How did the boy feel as he reached the mud - hut?

Ans :- The boy felt a chill in the air and damp earth under foot.

c) What did the boy do as he stood under the Juman tree?

Ans :- The boy let the raindrops fall on his head and face when he stood under the jamun tree.

d) Why did the clouds shed rain in the absence of the boy?

Ans :-  “Clouds” and “Rain” are natural phenomenon. No one can tell when the clouds will form in the Sky and when it will rain. Though the boy expected the rain in presence of him, there is no relation between the boy and clouds. So, the clouds shed rain in the absence of the boy.

Activity - 8 (A)

(a) Underline the verbs that denote actions which will be in progress at a time in the future :

(i) I shall be reading a book next week.

(ii) You will be going to school tomorrow.

(iii) They will be visiting our house next month.

The above underlined VERBS are in the FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE . A FUTURE CONTINUOUS tense is a form of the bar that indicates an action which will be continuing at a time in the future.

Activity - 8 (B)

Underline the verbs that denote actions that will be completed in the future:

(i) I shall have written the story by then.

(ii) He will have left before you go to see the doctor.

(iii) You shall have gone to the fair.

The VERBS underline in the above sentences are in the FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. A FUTURE PERFECT TENSE is a form of a VERB that indicates an accent that will be completed by a certain time in the future.

Activity - 8 (C)

Read the following sentences. Identify the future continuous tense and future perfect tense and fill in the table given below :

(i) I shall be playing in the field.

(ii) She will have recited the poem.

(iii) You will have enjoyed the picnic.

(iv) They will be coming soon.


I shall be playing in the field .

They will be coming soon.


She will have decided the poem .

You will have enjoyed the picnic .


Activity - 9

Write the antonyms of the underlined words by using the prefixes from the Help Box :

(a) It is possible for him to lift the chair.

Ans :-  It is impossible for him to lift the chair.

(b) His handwriting is legible.

Ans :- His handwriting is illegible.

(c) Their claim is not reasonable.

Ans :- Their claim is not unreasonable.

(d) He believes his friend.

Ans :- He disbelieves his friend.

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