NCERT Solutions for class 12 English (Kaliedoscope) Short Story - Eveline questions and answers - Kabir Mondal

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Monday, 19 April 2021

NCERT Solutions for class 12 English (Kaliedoscope) Short Story - Eveline questions and answers

Book : Kaliedoscope - Short Stories | NCERT Solutions for class 12 English - Short Stories Chapter - 2 


James Joyce 

Understanding the text 

Q.1. Name the two characters in this story whom Eveline liked and loved , and two she did not What were the reasons for her feelings towards them ? 

Ans :- In the story Eveline by James Joyce  Eveline liked and loved her mother and Frank . They both had an important position in Eveline's life . Her mother believed the family was above everything , she would provide them comfort and she would bear torture inflicted by her husband on her. Frank was her love and a ray of hope for a better future , away from the present misery. She did not like her father and Miss Gavan as they both added to her miseries and were harsh towards her . Her father would get drunk and behave inappropriately with her , while Miss Gavan made sure to criticize her at every occasion. So she did not like these two characters.

Q.2. Describe the conflict of emotions felt by Eveline on the day she had decided to elope with Frank.

Ans :- It was too sad moment to Eveline When she decided to elope with her lover. The situations were not easy for her as all the happy memories of her childhood , flashed in front of her eyes . She felt nostalgic and thought about Harry and Ernest who have left her house long ago . The music played by the organ player reminded her of her mother . She was continuously fighting with her emotions , while on the one hand , she couldn't wait to begin a respectable life with her lover , on the other she was continuously haunted by the promise made to the mother. Truly it was a bitter moment to her.

Q.3. Why do you think Eveline let go of the opportunity to escape ? 

Ans :- To me it was her responsibility towards her family stopped her from eloping with Frank . The promise made to her mother to keep her family together and won't let it separate , this was the reason she dropped the idea to run away with Frank . Her duty towards family proved to be a greater force than escaping for her own happiness . 

Q.4. What are the signs of Eveline's indecision that we see as the hour of her departure with Frank neared ? 

Ans :- Eveline started feeling distressed and turned pale out of fear if she is doing the right thing or not when the hour of departure with Frank approached. She murmured a prayer for divine guidance to show her the right path and guide to her duty . She felt weak and cried out of anguish. It is really heart touching feeling. 

Talking about the Text

Q.1. Deciding between filial duty and the right to personal happiness is problematic . Discuss . 

Ans :- In the story Eveline , Eveline faced constant dilemma of choice between her responsibility and happiness . She was constantly reminded of her promise to her mother . On the other hand , she had a choice to live a happy life with her love Frank . Every thought of her family constantly pulled her back and in the end , she picked up her family A person always faces a dilemma while choosing between family or personal happiness . Eveline experienced the same tension and it was difficult for her to choose one . Thus , choosing personal happiness is considered as being selfish while fulfilling their filial duty , is considered the greatest. 

Q.2. Share with your Partner any instance of your personal experience where you, or somebody you know, had to make a difficult Choice. 

Ans :- The answer to this question may be framed by student based on his / her experience.


Q.1. The description in this story has symbolic touches . What do you think the window , the gathering dust " , the ' dusty cretonne and its odour ' symbolise ? 

Ans :- The world outside represents perception . The different symbolic terms imply different meanings , these are as follows : Window . We learn through the narrative that the outside world is totally new and unfamiliar to her . She is comfortable being with people whom she has known for a long time . She has accepted her life of misery so well that she doesn't consider her to be a part of the outside world . She believes the world won't accept her . Gathering dust- Dust is a sign of lifelessness and end . Eveline lived a life of duty . She worked and paid the salary to her father and every day makes an effort to fulfill the promise she made to her mother . Eveline was leading a hopeless and paralyzed life and has surrendered herself to the dust . Dust gives a sense of familiarity as it always returned like her memories did , about home and her mother . She dusts it away and the next moment it comes back again . Dusty cretonne and its odour- Cretonne is a heavy cotton fabric with a floral pattern on it . In the opening scene readers are told , " Her head was leaned against the window curtains and in her nostrils was the odour of dusty cretonne " . The curtains were dusty for a long time as she was the sole caretaker of the house and could not pay much attention to clean every aspect of the house . In the same way , she was a lifeless being only surviving to make the life of her family easy and ignoring herself like the dusty cretonne .

Q.2. Note how the narrative proceeds through the consciousness of Eveline . 

Ans :- Most of the actions in the story does not take place in real life , but a stream of consciousness follows . Stream of Consciousness is a literary device , means when a person's thoughts and conscious reacts to the event . The writer very precisely depicts the emotions streaming in the protagonist's ( Eveline ) mind . Through Eveline's thoughts and emotions the author depicts the scene . It would be absolutely right to say narrative proceeds through the consciousness of Eveline . "  

Q.3. In the last section of the story , notice these expressions -

(i) A bell clanged upon her heart . 

(ii) All the seas of the world tumbled upon her heart . 

(iii) Her hands clutched the iron in frenzy. 

(iv) She sets her white face to him , passive , like a helpless animal . What are the emotions that these images evoke ?

Ans :- All these expressions evoke emotions of helplessness and confusion . Eveline was in disillusionment whether to look for her happiness or fulfill her duty towards the family . She felt stiff and her heartfelt heavy with emotions that made it impossible for her to move with Frank . She felt burdened under - promise and she couldn't cross the boundaries . 

Q.4. Do you think the author indicates his judgment of Eveline in the story ? 

Ans :- In the story Eveline the author focused more on the dilemma or the struggling thoughts that Eveline faced . The continuous journey between past and present that did not allow her to choose a happy future with Frank , is the theme of the story . There was no judgment made by the author on Eveline . The author has very skillfully and artistically portrayed the character of Eveline. 

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