The Proposal / Marriage Proposal important questions / Suggestions - Kabir Mondal

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Saturday, 3 October 2020

The Proposal / Marriage Proposal important questions / Suggestions

The Proposal / Marriage Proposal important questions / Suggestions - 2021

1. Justify the title of the play "The Proposal". 

2. Write a short character sketch of Natalya Stepanovna.

3. Evaluate "The Proposal" as a shadow of the late 18th century Russian society.

4. Draw the character sketch of Stepan Stepanovitch Chubukov. 

5. Discuss the significance of marriage in the late 18th  century Russian society as evident in the play "The Proposal". 

6. "Then why are you in evening dress, my precious?" Who says this? Why is the person concerned in his evening dress?What does the speaker  guess?

7. Write a short note on the character of Ivan  Vassilevitch.

8. "Bring him back! Back! Ah! Bring him here. Quick, quick! I'm ill! Fetch him! — Who says this to whom? Who is referred to as 'him'? When is it said? Why is the speaker so excited? 

9. Describe Chubukov's plight as the father of a grown up daughter.

10. Why does Lomov think t hat Natalya would make an acceptable wife? 

11. How did Chubukov and Lomov abuse each others' family? 

12. "I have come to you, ...... to trouble you with a request" — Who is the speaker? Who is he speaking to? What is the request? How did the person spoken to react to the request?

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