NCERT Solutions For Class 11th English Hornbill :- The Portrait of a Lady - Kabir Mondal

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Friday 19 June 2020

NCERT Solutions For Class 11th English Hornbill :- The Portrait of a Lady

Q.Gradually the author and the grandmother saw less of each other and their friendship was broken. Was the distancing in the relationship deliberate or due to demand of the situation?
Ans :- Author's grandmother was a part of his life from his childhood. He was totally dependent on her. The turning point in their friendship came when they went to city. In the city he went to school by bus and now her grandmother no longer accompanied him. As the years rolled by they saw less of each other. She woke him up and got him ready for school. She would ask him what the teachers had taught when he returned . She did not believe in the things that were taught at school. She was distressed that there was no teaching about God and the scriptures. She expressed her disapproval silently.After this she rarely talked to him. When he went up to university, he was given a room of his own. The common link of friendship was snapped. Now she spent most of her time at the spinning wheel. Thus we find that the distancing in the relationship was due to demand of situation. It was the situation that led them to create self distancing. Here both were the victims of situation.

Q. Write a pen picture of your grandparents describing the qualities you admire and appreciate most.
Ans :- The grandparents are friends for all.  They love us and take care of us. They live in a native village but sometimes they come to meet us and  play with us. My grandfather is about 67. My grandmother is about 60. My grandfather is fond of walking and jogging. He looks after the family farm and briefs the workers every morning. In the evening he asks each of them to report the progress and work done. He believes in trusting people. Even then he has some surprise checks. My grandmother is a bit fat and small. She is deeply religious. She visits the temple every morning. She supervises the household work and activities. She helps the poor and the needy. She is kind, generous and hospitable. We spend a part of our holidays with them. Their company is a blessing. We love them and want them to stay healthy.

Q.Imagine that you are Khushwant Singh. Record the changes that came in your relationship with your grandmother as you grew up from kid to university student.
Ans :- I lived with my grandmother in the village during my boyhood days . She used to wake me up in the morning and prepared me for school. She accompanied me to school. A turning point came in our friendship when my parents sent for us in the city. Now I went to an English school in the motor bus. I was taught English, Science and music. She could not help me in my studies. She hated Science, music and Western education. We still shared the same room, but talked less and less. When I joined the university, I was given a separate room and our common link of closeness was finally snapped. But I always took care of her when I had time. Though she didn't like the fat books but loved me very much.

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