Textual grammar for class - xi Topic - Voice - Kabir Mondal

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Fresh Topics

Wednesday 16 January 2019

Textual grammar for class - xi Topic - Voice

1. Sivasanker was brooding over the servant problem.

2. Do you want a servant?

3. Sidda was subjected to a scrutiny by Mr. Slvasanker.

4. Sidda indicated a vague somewhere.

5. Leela like him.

6. Did they send you away?"

7. He called his wife.

8. Leela gave a cry of joy.

9. Let us keep him in our house.

10. Sidda was given two meals a day and four rupees a month.

11. His company made her supremely happy.

12. She flung the ball at him and he flung it back.

13. Now throw the ball into the sky.

14. Leela keenly examined the ball for traces of the moon.

15. He covered the ball tightly with his fingers.

16. Have you done it?

17. Does the moon know you?

18. I will show you something nice.

19. I have asked it to follow us about.

20. At dusk he carried her in and she held a class for him.

21. She made him squat on the floor with a pencil between his fingers.

22. She knew two or three letters of the alphabet.

23. She pitied him and redoubled her efforts to teach him.

24. He told incomparable stories of animals in the jungle.

25. Her mother gave her a slap.


  1. Sir leela's friend er narration gulo diben to

  2. Sir, Please upload the rest of the topics of class XI and also grammar part.
