MCQ Practice Set - On Killing A Tree | On Killing A Tree Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Practice Set - Kabir Mondal

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Saturday 19 January 2019

MCQ Practice Set - On Killing A Tree | On Killing A Tree Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Practice Set

On Killing A Tree Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

Practice Set

1. The poem On Killing a Tree is written by -
(A) Gieve Patel.
(B) William Shakespeare.
(C) Arthur Rimbaud.
(D) John Keats.  

2. The poem On Killing a Tree is about -
(A) planting a tree.
(B) planning for afforestation.
(C) the destruction of  as tree.
(D) none.

3. According to the poet, a tree cannot be cut down -
(A) by a small blade.
(B) by using gigantic machines.
(C) with one swipe of a dagger.
(D) by a simple jab of the knife.

4. A sapling (small tree) becomes a tree -
(A) within a moment of watering.
(B) within two hours.
(C) slowly consuming the earth.
(D) when human beings come into its contact. 

5. "Rising out of it, feeding / Upon its crust" -Here 'crust' means -
(A) the top layer of the earth.
(B) the bottom layer of the earth.
(C) bark of the tree.
(D) bread. 

6. To kill a tree it takes -
(A) a moment.
(B) much time.
(C) a year.
(D) no time.  

7. "And out of its leprous hide / Sprouting leaves" - Here 'leprous hide' means -
(A) the upper layer of the earth.
(B) the rough bark.
(C) miniature boughs.
(D) leaves.
8. Out of the leprous hide of the tree sprout -
(A) fruits.
(B) flowers.
(C) new branches.
(D) leaves.

9. But this alone won't do 'this' refers to  -
(A) hacking and chopping.
(B) healing.
(C) burning a tree.
(D) poisoning a tree.

10. When a tree is cut down near the ground level -
(A) it wilt die very soon.
(B) flowers will bloom quickly.
(C) green leaves will come out the next day.

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