The Sick Rose by William Blake short questions and answers (SAQ) - Kabir Mondal

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Saturday, 27 May 2017

The Sick Rose by William Blake short questions and answers (SAQ)

Q. Who composed the poem The Sick Rose ?
Ans:- The poem The Sick Rose is composed by William Blake.

Q. Which category does this poem belong ?
Ans:- This poem belongs to Songs Of Experience.

Q. Who is sick in this poem ?
Ans:- In this poem the rose is sick.

Q. What makes the rose sick ?
Ans:- The invisible worm makes the rose sick.

Q. When does the worm come ?
Ans:- The worm comes in the stormy night.

Q. Where does the worm find it's bed ?
Ans:- The worm finds it's bed into the rose.

Q. What type of love does the worm have for the rose ?
Ans:- The worm has dark secret love for the rose.

Q. Who destroys the rose's life ?
Ans:- The invisible worm destroys the rose's life.