Short questions and answers of Meeting At Night - Kabir Mondal

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Saturday, 20 May 2017

Short questions and answers of Meeting At Night

Q. Who composed the poem Meeting At Night ?
Ans:- The poem Meeting At Night is composed by Robert Browning.

Q. What type of poem is Meeting At Night ?
Ans:- Meeting At Night is a love poem.

Q. How is the sea in Meeting At Night ?
Ans:- In Meeting At Night the sea is grey.

Q. How is the land described in the poem ?
Ans:- In the poem the land is long and black.

Q. How is the moon in the poem ?
Ans:- In the poem the moon is yellow halp-moon large and low.

Q. What do the startled little waves do ?
Ans:-The startled little waves leap in fiery ringlets from their sleep.

Q. When does the lover start his journey ?
Ans:- The lover starts his journey after sunset.

Q. Where is the lover going ?
Ans:- The lover is going to meet his beloved.

Q. What does the lover choose as a vehicle for visiting his beloved ?
Ans:- The lover chooses a boat as vehicle for visiting his beloved.