Paragraph / essay on Recollection Of School Days. - Kabir Mondal

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Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Paragraph / essay on Recollection Of School Days.

Write a paragraph / essay on Recollection Of School Days.

Paragraph/essay on Recollection Of School Days

Ten years of my school days glided by so soon ‘like the passage of an angel’s tear.’ Sometimes I journey down my memory lane ‘in vacant or pensive mood’. Then the sweet memories of my school days ‘flash upon in my inward eye’ giving me ‘the bliss of solitude’. I still remember my first day at school. I was a bit nervous that day. But I found my classmates quite friendly and the teachers so affectionate unlike Mr. Creakle of Salem House, a character in Dickens’ ‘David Copperfield’. I remember how on the first day my class-teacher asked my name. As I stammered it out, he gave me a sweet hug. I also remember how one Monday I forgot to do my homework and my friends in the class helped me out of this problem. The teachers encouraged me in moments of despair and enriched the store of my knowledge. I also remember with shame how my class-teacher slapped me on the face one day for an act of disobedience. These are the sweet memories of my school days to remember for ever.


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