MCQ Practice Set - Nobel Lecture | Nobel LectureMultiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Practice Set - Kabir Mondal

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Friday 18 January 2019

MCQ Practice Set - Nobel Lecture | Nobel LectureMultiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Practice Set

Nobel LectureMultiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
Practice Set 

1. Mother Teresa delivered her Nobel Lecture in -
(A) Norway.
(B) India.
(C) Britain.
(D) Sweden. 

2. Mother received the Nobel peace prize in the year of -
(A) 1980s.
(B) 1997.
(C) 1979.
(D) 1971. 

3. Virgin Mary came to the house of her cousin to give fhe good new -
(A) the birth of Jesus.
(B) her holding Jesus in her womb.
(C) meeting God.
(D) her joy of meeting Jesus. 

4. St. John says that if some men says he loves God but does not love his neighbours he is a -
(A) true lover of God.
(B) liar.
(C) bad man.
(D) sinner.

5. Mother thinks that the greatest destroyer of peace today is -
(A) war.
(B) drug addiction.
(C) abortion.
(D) street violence. 

6. Mother fights abortion by -
(A) natural family planning .
(B) spreading the message of love.
(C) building homes for children.
(D) adoption. 

7. Mother saw that there were families less 61,273 babies in Kolkata as result of -
(A) abortion.
(B) adoption.
(C) natural family planning.
(D) pretending early marriage.

8. According to mother love begins at -
(A) our own house.
(B) other people's house.
(C) our hearts.
(D) men's cottage. 

9. Once Mother faced the crisis of -
(A) sugar.
(B) rice.
(C) oil.
(D) bread.

10. The little boy gave his sugar for -
(A) Mother Teresa.
(B) street children.
(C) Mother Teresa's children.
(D) the sisters of Mother Teresa. 

11. Mother Teresa had the most extraordinary experience with a -
(A) Hindu family.
(B) English family.
(C) Muslim family.
(D) Own family. 

12. Mother motivated all to love the children of -
(A) India.
(B) Africa.
(C) Norway.
(D) the world.

1 comment:

  1. what were the hermit's anseerd of the tsar's questions
