MCQ Practice Set - Brotherhood | Brotherhood Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Practice Set - Kabir Mondal

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Saturday 19 January 2019

MCQ Practice Set - Brotherhood | Brotherhood Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Practice Set

Brotherhood Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
Practice Set

1. "I am man : little do I last." - The poet will last little because  he - 
(A) is a man.
(B) is ill. 
(C) will be killed by his enemies. 
(D) has no hope of life. 

2. "And the night is enormous" - The night is enormous because - 
(A) day is short. 
(B) it is eternity. 
(C) it is out of our reach. 
(D) none of the above. 

3. "But I look up" - The poet looks up to discover - 
(A) God. 
(B) starry sky. 
(C) darkness. 
(D) the vastness of the universe. 

4.The poet Paz unknowingly understands that - 
(A) he is a man. 
(B) he will last little. 
(C) the stars write. 
(D) the night is enormous. 

5."Someone spells me out " - The intuition gives the poet - 
(A) joy and hope. 
(B) sorrow and shame. 
(C) love and ligth. 
(D) agony and anguish. 

6. " The stars write" - When - 
(A) the poet writes. 
(B) God writes. 
(C) it is dark at night. 
(D) the poet understands.

7. In the poem Brotherhood, the poet looks up at - 
(A) the starry sky.
(B) the sun.
(C)  the moon.
(D) the sea.

8. The poem, "Brotherhood" presents the relationship -
(A) among the citizens of a nation.
(B) among the members of a religious community.
(C) among different entitles that work organically in the universe.
(D) among the members of a club.

9. In the poem “Brotherhood”, the night is -
(A) little.
(B) short.
(C) silent.
(D) enormous.

10. In the poem, Brotherhood, the poet considers himself as -
(A) a great thinker like Ptolemy.
(B) an insignificant man in the universe.
(C) a very important person in the universe.
(D) a member of a religious community.

11. In the poem “Brotherhood”, the poet’s life on earth is for a -
(A) long period.
(B) short period.
(C) night.
(D) none of the above.

12. In the poem “Brotherhood”, the poet stands -
(A) in the churchyard.
(B) in the forest.
(C) under the night sky.
(D) upon a bridge.

13. In the poem, Brotherhood, the poet’s fate is written by -
(A) the night.
(B) Claudius Ptolemy.
(C) the stars.
(D) the moon.

14. In the poem “Brotherhood”, the poet understands that -
(A) life is predestined.
(B) life is enormous.
(C) life is unless.
(D) life is long.

15.In the poem, Brotherhood, the nightstands for -
(A) the vast universe.
(B) widespread darkness.
(C) the stars.
(D) the moon.

16. In the poem “Brotherhood”, the poet understands everything -
(A) by reading books.
(B) by using logic.
(C) intuitively.
(D) from other.

17. In the poem, Brotherhood, the poet feels that -
(A) he is a point in the continuity and of the history of the universe.
(B) he is the proud lord of the universe.
(C) he is the master of his fate.
(D) he is superior to the universe.

18. In the poem Brotherhood, the stars write -
(A) a poem.
(B) the destiny of man.
(C) the present.
(D) the future.

19. In the poem, Brotherhood, the stars are cosmic entitles controlling -
(A) the course of the moon.
(B) human life on earth
(C) the night-sky.
(D) the flow on time.

20. In the poem Brotherhood, the sky is covered -
(A) mist.
(B) stars.
(C) cloud.
(D) sunlight.

21. In the poem, Brotherhood, the poet realizes his position by using -
(A) his ability to reason.
(B) his knowledge of science.
(C) his intuitive knowledge.
(D) his bookish knowledge.

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