MCQ Practice Set - The Proposal | The Proposal Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Practice Set - Kabir Mondal

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Friday 18 January 2019

MCQ Practice Set - The Proposal | The Proposal Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Practice Set

The Proposal Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
Practice Set - 2

1. Chubukov says he will shoot Lomov like a -
(A) fox.
(B) partridge.
(C) fool.
(D) swan.

2. Chubukov was, according to Lomov, often beaten by -
(A) his father.
(B) his mother.
(C) his wife.
(D) his aunt.

3. Natalya argues that Lomov, as a hunter, can't sit on a -
(A) camel.
(B) fox.
(C) horse.
(D) wild beast.

4. Chubukov wants a bullet to be put into his -
(A) body.
(B) legs.
(C) brain.
(D) head.

5. "She's willing!" - She is willing to -
(A) accuse Chubukov once again.
(B) start an argument afresh.
(C) get Lomov out of her house.
(D) marry Lomov.

6. "Well, that's a way to start your family bliss!" - The word bliss means -
(A) gladness.
(B) example.
(C) conflict.
(D) blessings.

7. What is the first argument over inheritance -
(A) woods.
(B) hunting dogs.
(C) land.
(D) labour.

8. What is the second argument over -
(A) gifts.
(B) Oxen Meadows.
(C) estates.
(D) dogs.

9. What label can you give the out come of the play -
(A) clowning.
(B) melodrama.
(C) farce.
(D) comedy.

10. When Lomov arrived, Chubukov was surprised by his -
(A) evening dress.
(B) palpitations.
(C) impudence.
(D) shyness.

11. Chubukov is a -
(A) landowner.
(B) lawyer.
(C) merchant.
(D) physician.

12. The name of Natalya's dog is -
(A) Squeezer.
(B) Mironov.
(C) Guess.
(D) Ivan.

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